What Your IRA Test Score Means

Current Rates

If Your Test Score Is…

Under 14 Points:
An IRA may not be right for you at this time. Speak to one of our representatives for more information.

14 Points or More:

If your age is 21 to 35:
Now is the ideal time to open an IRA. If you invest $2,000 a year at 6% or more, you could have $300,000 or more at age 65.

If your age is 36 to 45:
You’re in your peak earning years. Start an IRA today. Don’t delay.

If your age is 46 to 64:
If you haven’t opened an IRA by now, you should do so immediately.

If your age is 65 or more:
Continuing to contribute to a traditional IRA may still be possible. Even if you are officially retired, if you still work or perform services of any sort that you are paid for and can document on your tax return, you may continue to qualify to contribute to an IRA.

This chart is for your information only. Be sure to consult a customer service representative before opening an Individual Retirement Account. ©2023 BankSITE® Services, All Rights Reserved